Neither fresh water nor sewer pipes can today be imagined without pipes made from plastic. Plastic pipes are also on the rise in industrial applications. From 7 to 11 April 2014, the sector will present itself at Tube taking place on the grounds of the Messe Duesseldorf.06/12/2013
As the leading exhibitions in their industries, the international trade fairs for wire, cable and tubes open their doors every other year in Düsseldorf. With a growing number of exhibitors, expanding square-metre figures and international trade fair guests from more than 150 countries, both events are among the most international in Messe Düsseldorf's portfolio.19/11/2013
Plastic pipes in industry.22/05/2013
Time and again, the media sets its sites on pipelines. Nord Stream, which now is in operation, provided a score of headlines. Construction of South Stream has also started, a triumph for Russia. The USA is experiencing a gas boom, yet exports are trailing behind – at least for the moment. Whatever the case, valve makers always are in the winning team.29/04/2013
The Pipe Market - Trends and Outlook The market for steel tubes has been recuperating following the 2008 recession, yet it still has to reach the pre-crisis levels.08/04/2013
Around one year before the international No. 1 trade fairs wire and Tube get under way one thing is certain: both industrial fairs are already well booked, the official deadline for registrations for 2014 closes at the end of April.13/03/2013
Plastic tubing: market share in wastewater sector increases.11/03/2013
Tube 2014: Exclusive Special Show PTF Plastic Tube Forum in Hall 7.1.10/09/2012
International steel tube industry still heading for expansion.